Saturday 30 July 2011


For tons of young men, prom suits & prom tuxedos become a huge concern near the end of spring and beginning of summer.Exciting isn’t it? Prom night is often the first opportunity you will have ever had to show your friends what you look like when you get your “grown man” on!So while the ladies are worried about prom dresses and prom hairstyles, you’ve got work to do too! They’ve likely never seen you look as dapper and as suave as you should look when you get dressed and suited for prom.If you are dressed the right way, they will be blown away! So in order to be dressed to impress, you must first understand what type of clothing is expected of you.Knowing what type of clothing other guys will likely be wearing and how to distinguish yourself from the others is also important.


Takchita symbolizes Moroccan tradition and innovation and it has been the pride of Moroccan women. They wear it during celebrations especially for wedding receptions. The history of takchita dates back to the Merinide Dynasty.Takchita is combination of two layers, the inner layer is just a fine fabric dress and the middle layer is just for buttoning up the uppermost layer with sfifa and akaad closures but the upper layer is richly decorated with embroidery, beads and sequins.It’s surprising that the Moroccan women still prefer Caftan in an era of modern dress.The traditional tailors trying hard and devoting their energy in creating innovative takchitas to compete in the modern fashion market. The ancient art does undergo changes mostly in cities which is not that conspicuous in the country sides. The traditional costume of city population is characterized by the sobriety of the coat of exterior (Haim and Djellaba) and the richness of the coat of interior (caftan or gandoura takchita).Although the Caftan grew to fame and majesty in Morocco under the patronage of it unique culture and civilization, the trace of history shows its origins worldwide.dress